December 22, 2009

It's a BOY!!

Brandon, my mom and I went today for my 18 week ultrasound. We found out we're having a boy! Brandon and I are over the top excited. Brandon wanted a boy first and we got it. We're also excited that our little boy will have a cousin to play with and they will only be 15 months apart. We just know they will be best buds growing up. We love our little boy so much already and can't wait to see the joys he brings us. We've also decided on a name: Jackson Dain Fisbeck. Dain is Brandon's dad's middle name and we wanted to carry on the tradition. We loved Jackson because we like the nickname Jack and our family visited Jackson, Wyoming last year and we have some great memories there! The doctor said Jackson is absolutely healthy and looks perfect in every way! Our due date is May 25, 2010.

Baby Bump at 17 weeks

Fisbeck Family is growing by one!

Brandon and I found out GREAT news in September of 2009. We're having a baby! I will never forget the moment when we found out. I was babysitting my little cousin, Bryce and I had taken him to the Target to get breakfast at the Starbuck's (he loves muffins from there). I got the usual Grande, non fat, caramel machiatto. I took one sip and almost spit it back out. I knew this could NOT be right. I never turn down a Starbuck's. So I strolled on over to the pregnancy test aisle and bought one for the heck of it. Sure enough, when I got home, it was POSITIVE!!!!! Brandon and I were absolutely thrilled. Then a thousand questions started popping in to mind (like: I wonder what it is? How far along am I? I hope I wasn't pregnant when we were celebrating Brandon's 30th birthday party, etc., etc.) Both of our families are very excited. This will be the second grandchild on my family's side and the first on Brandon's side.

The Fisbeck's

Brandon and I got married on February 28, 2009 in Houston, TX. My parents threw us our dream wedding. The day was absolutely magical. Our wedding was followed by an amazing honeymoon to Maui, Hawaii! We had so much fun and it was a great way to top off a perfect wedding. Brandon and I have been enjoying married life for the past 10 months. We also built our dream home in Katy, TX. We live about 2 miles from my brother, sister in law and nephew and about 5 miles from my parents. It's so much fun to be close to family. Life is good!

Brandon soaking up the rays in Maui

Our brand new house