June 25, 2011


Jackson finally gets to gnaw on a chicken bone! I know Gigi has been dying to get that boy a chicken leg. So I was packing Jackson's bag for him to go to the lake and all of a sudden I hear my mom say, "Lauren, quick! Come see Jackson!" I told her I was busy packing and asked if it could wait? She insisted I come see him because she said, "You aren't going to want to miss this". And of course, I walk in to him going to town on this chicken leg! He loved it!! I am so glad his Gigi finally got the nerve to give him one. He loves Gigi and eats so good for her! :)

Thank goodness for Grandparents!

I just want to thank my parents and Brandon's parents for being so awesome to us and to Jackson! They are always here in a New York minute and they always help us when they can. Here's one of my favorite pictures of Jackson with his Papa J! Thank you to The Stephens and The Fisbecks for all that you do! We love you! Jackson loves you too!!

When it Rains, It Pours!

Well, my parents took Jackson to the lake this weekend so we could rest and I could get better. So of course, on my one day alone with no baby...Parker gets hurt! I was calling Parker and Seagram inside from the front yard and I heard Parker yelp and then he was limping. So I took him to the vet and of course, he broke his foot! It's so bad they have to do surgery next week on it. Poor thing! I feel awful for the little guy. Here's a picture of my little patient! Of course his big brother Seagram watched out for him to make sure he was okay. He wouldn't leave his side!

The Monster Mash!

I LOVE the way Jackson walks...it reminds me of the "Monster Mash". He puts his arms straight out when he does it and it's so cute. Here's a little video of him!

Jackson goes to the Immunologist!

Jackson finally got to see the immunologist today and things are good! She isn't too concerned about him having an immune deficiency, she's more worried about his allergies. Poor thing had to go through more blood work but thank goodness Gigi was with us to help him! He was such a trooper! We should know the results in a week or so. Of course, the day after he goes to the doctor he ends up with 102.7 fever! Gigi and Papa J took Jackson to the lake so I could get some rest and mend and he ended up sick but hopefully it's just a virus and it will run its course. :)

June 22, 2011

Thank Goodness For Mama's!

As you all are aware of, I have been sick off and on since February with Strep throat, viral infections, sinus infections, etc. I finally went to an ENT after getting deathly sick in Las Vegas and it is confirmed I have shingles in my throat (the chicken pox virus). Unfortunately, it is viral and there is not much you can do for it except take pain pills and wait it out. All I know is Shingles is the worst pain I have EVER been in! Thank goodness for family and friends! I have the most patient, caring, understanding and loyal husband there is! I have the most amazing parents in the world! My mom stopped what she was doing (which happened to be sleeping at 3:30 AM) to come watch Jackson so Brandon could take me to the ER. Then the next day she went home to a house full of snakes (yes, she had to kill 2 snakes that she found in their house-they live on property by a lake) and then she came back over to watch Jackson for me so I could go back to my ENT and give blood and get x rays done. She would go to the end of this world for me and I love you so much for that mom! I don't know how she does what she does. She's still a full time employee working her tail end off every day and still finds time to help us out! Not to mention, Papa J (the practical one) who constantly looks up medical diagnosis for us and gets us to the places we need to be. What would I do without you all? To top it off, Alli called and made dinner for Brandon because she knows how much he loves having home cooked meals and she knew I would not be cooking any time soon! So Brandon was able to have a hot meal complete with cookies for dessert! Nope...I'm not done! Tonight, my mother in law and father in law came over to cook Brandon dinner. He had another hot meal on the table, they bathed Jackson for me and put him to bed and I even ate mashed potatoes tonight. It's the first thing I've eaten in 2 days! I would say it was a day full of successes and many thanks to my loved ones! I can not express to you how much I love you all and how much we appreciate EVERYTHING you've done for us! We will forever be grateful!
Jackson eating Aunt Alli's chicken she made for him!

Gigi bringing a smile to Jackson's face while she kept him for me!

A Very SPecial Father's Day!

Brandon's Father's Day Gift from Jackson and I!
Jackson teething on a straw! Getting lovin' from Great Aunt Holly!
Papa J and Ella Boo!
Of course, my mom and I felt guilty the whole time we were in Vegas because we knew it was Father's Day weekend but we made sure to make it home in time to celebrate with our boys on Sunday morning. We left Vegas at 5:30 AM so we could go celebrate at Nana and Grandpa's house with our family. We had so much fun visiting with aunts, uncles, grandparents, great aunts and great uncles, godparents and cousins! Jackson played with Ella, Griffin, Bryce, Weston, Mason, Ally and Douglas. He also had some snuggle time with his Great Aunt Holly! We spent the evening visiting over a nice steak dinner and of course, Nana's famous banana pudding! :)
The best part of this Father's Day....Jackson officially walked for the first time!!! Brandon was so proud because we just knew Jackson was waiting just to make this Father's Day a special one. Now he's so excited to walk everywhere, it's adorable! We're so proud of him! For Brandon's actual Father's Day gift I blew up a picture of Jackson and Parker and framed it in our bathroom and I got him a bean bag from Pottery Barn so he could sit in the bean bag chair in the playroom when he's with Jackson. :)

Viva Las Vegas!

This was the morning Gigi and I left (it was so hard to say goodbye to those sweet faces)!! Friday afternoon outside our gorgeous hotel!
Here is our hotel, The Palazzo (absolutely beautiful))!
My mom and I went to Las Vegas to see Cara and Jon tie the knot! It was a beautiful wedding and I had so much fun relaxing with my mom! Here's a few pictures of our trip. It was on Father's Day weekend and my mom and I felt bad we were leaving Brandon, Jackson and Papa J alone but they went to the lake and had a "boys weekend". Stay tuned to see Brandon's Father's Day surprise! :)

June 15, 2011

"Catch Up" and fries...if you please!

Uncle Jason, Jackson and GriffinJackson and Jeter Peter One of my favorite pictures in a Target shopping cart!
Best buddies!
Best buddies (Jackson and Griffin)
He fell asleep while we were swinging him!
Papa J and Jack
My 2 front teeth!
Nap time in the park!
Gigi, Papa J, mama and Jackson
Kaitlyn and Jackson in Streetman at the Ranch
1st trip to the petting zoo! Tired!
He ate the mulch! ;)
I know, I know...I promised to keep you all up to speed on here but things get crazy (it's called LIFE)! I am sorry I've been off the ban wagon for a few months. I am off for the summer break and I wanted to go ahead and post some pictures from the past few months. A lot has happened!
Jackson is now 13 months old and trucking right along. We took him to his doctor appointment last week. Here are his measurements:
Head: 18 inches (25%)
Height: 32 inches (95%) Weight: 21.7 pounds (15%)
Jackson has had a lot of changes lately. Here are a few of his milestones:
-Crawling and will occasionally take about 2 steps -Turns the pages in a book when you read to him -Transitioned from a bottle to sippy cups (no more bottles)!!! -Transitioned from 3 naps a day to 1 BIG nap a day (normally about 3-4 hours long) -Changed daycare from Ms. Jasmine Sanchez to The Goddard School (he loves it at his new school)
We also know Jackson still has allergies. He is now seeing an Immunologist to help us with his break outs/hives. Here's a list of his current food and environmental allergies that we are aware of:
-Wheat -Dairy -Egg (yolk and whites) -Peanut -Soy -Grass -Dust -Cat dander
I am off for the summer time and I am LOVING having more time with my precious baby boy! He brings so much joy to our lives!! We love you Jackson!